CSUEB’s Queers United and PASA (Pilipinx American Student Association) organizations held a collaborative presentation about the intersectionality of Filipinx and queer identities. At the meeting, community members who attended the meeting learned about queer Filipinx slang language and history that had originally stemmed from culturally queer backgrounds. One cultural reference made by CSUEB first year Emmanuel Abad was the romantic relationship between the God of the Moon who was courted by the God of Death.
Queers United’s next event, a Name, Gender, and Pronoun Change Workshop, will be held on March 20th at the CORE library, while PASA’s next event will be their recurring Study Hours at the CORE Library from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., every Tuesday and Wednesday.
You may keep in touch with the Queers United and PASA organizations by following their respective accounts on Instagram @QueersUnitedCSUEB and @PASAofCSUEB.