The doorsteps of the RAW center were scattered with activities provided by ASI Recreation and Student Health and Counseling Services in observance of National Recreational Sports and Fitness Day, Feb. 22.
“It’s National Recreational Sports and Fitness Day, so basically we just want people to come out and be active and support the recreational programs on campus,” said Jennifer Reed, Assistant Coordinator of Special Events and Workshops. “We’re offering free fitness classes all day and healthy snacks such as organic apples and granola bars. We’re promoting our event center happenings today, such as the Two Ball Tournament and our Myth Busters, which is a workshop on trends in fitness and nutrition.”
In addition, other activities featured included an overview of the up-to-date food pyramid, learning more about the services offered by Peer Advocates for Wellness (PAW), and one could also try their hand out at jump rope or a hula hoop.
Also, prizes such as T-shirts were given to those who managed to persuade five or less friends to register for the RAW center.
Jared Green, a Tournaments Assistant, believes that National Recreational Sports and Fitness Day is a day to promote healthier eating, and also an opportunity to encourage people to come to the RAW center as well.
As it would turn out, Green was not the only one who identified the day as an opportunity for promoting more people to obtain memberships at RAW. Despite the success the facility has had since its opening last month. Reed also hopes to see more people come by—and not just to buy a Jamba Juice.
“There are a lot of great activities to do in the RAW center, [like] fitness classes, and we have great equipment inside,” said Reed. “There’s a whole bunch of tournaments and intramural sports. We’re hoping to get students just to come in and be a part of the day, and hopefully come back in the future.”
Despite the small scale activities, ASI and members of RAW and Student Health and Counseling Services passed along the message to not only consider joining an active recreational sport on campus, but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle through food selection and exercise.
“The classes are free and we’re providing free food,” said Gennivy Taebay, another Tournaments Assistant. “We’re going all out to get people to work out.”