The first year in college is an exciting year. It is a year of new adventures, people, confusion and a whole lot of stress. It takes a while to navigate around a new school, new city and definitely new people.
Have no fear freshmen, this senior has got your back! Let these words of wisdom help to guide you through your first year in this exciting place called “CSU East Bay.”
First, let’s talk about one of the obvious and most commonly talked about perks of college life, the parties. Yes, there will be parties and plenty of them but the most difficult part for freshmen is learning how to balance the parties with their priorities.
Now don’t get me wrong, parties are definitely an outlet for good times, great company and long lasting memories, but the last thing you want to do is get so caught up in partying that you fall behind in your classes.
We all know that the price of tuition is going to continue to get more outrageous as the years go by, so why fail classes and end up having to pay another quarter’s worth of tuition? Parties are fun, but they’re not $2,200 worth of fun!
Believe me freshmen, the parties will be there throughout your whole college career and they will still be there when you graduate. That being said, go ahead and party hard, just make sure you study even harder.
The next topic of discussion is dorm life! It is like a world within itself. Please remember that living on campus is supposed to be an enjoyable, beneficial and memorable experience, not a continuation of your drama-prone high school lives.
You are all adults now and with that comes the responsibility of cleaning up after yourselves, handling conflicts with maturity and showing the rest of your dorm-mates respect. Stop laughing, I’m serious!
Ladies, like Mary J. Blige said, “No more drama.” Let’s not fight over college men. Trust me, they aren’t worth it! It will only result in a quick end to your college career and nobody is worth hindering your success.
Men, college is full of beautiful and intelligent women who deserve your respect. Unlike high school, everyone starts out as a nobody. Use it to your advantage.
While college can be a wonderful networking tool and a great way to meet a life mate, you don’t have to spend your freshman year breaking your neck to find one.
Just have fun, focus on your school work and go with the flow; everything else will fall into place naturally. Remember the mantra, party hard but study harder.
Next, let’s talk about food and OH, what an amazing topic that is. Good food is a beautiful thing and freshmen take note that “cheap” food is the best food for your budget.
Back when the current seniors were freshman, all they had were the Dining Commons, the Bistro, Panda Express and a sandwich shop. The freshmen of 2011 are quite a lucky bunch when it comes to the endless variety of food options available for them right here on campus.
They now have Subway, Jamba Juice, Starbucks, Raging Burrito, Einstein’s Bagels and more. With that and the P.O.D. market on campus, freshmen can be eating really good and really healthy around the clock.
Now, let’s keep it really real: most of us choose to eat really cheap and really fast, which is usually not really healthy. Whatever you choose, you can now find it without leaving campus.
Do be careful though, because as quick as you can get your hands on this food, you can gain the pounds from that same food. We have all heard of the “freshman 15” right? It’s not a myth people, it’s the real deal!
Luckily for CSUEB students, the Recreation and Wellness center (RAW) is conveniently located right across the street from the dorms. Don’t be afraid to use it! Not only can it keep the burgers and fries from sticking to you, but it is also a great way to relieve that college stress.
College is one of the most important educational experiences of your young lives. It is a time to network with peers and professors who may have a lifelong impact on your career and your future.
Classes will be difficult, waitlisted and cancelled. Professor’s will be difficult, impatient and here forever. But with all that, above all, remember that college is supposed to be fun!
Take the good with the bad and keep striving forward. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it and you’ll be fine. Remember the mantra, party hard, but study harder.