Being a Freshman at CSUEB Amid a Global Pandemic
They lost their last semester as high school seniors, now they’re missing out on their first semester of college. The beginning of the new school year comes with new difficulties for students across the nation. Incoming CSUEB freshmen were asked about how the school has been helping its students during this troubling time. They shared that faculty and university organizations have done everything they can to make the incoming freshmen feel at home this fall semester.
CSUEB offered free required textbooks for new freshmen this academic year that were either delivered to student’s own doors or free to pick-up on campus. Many students took advantage of this opportunity, which made one thing a little easier for them this year.
“The university is working hard to make us feel welcomed and connected as a community!” Jennah Hoay, a pre-nursing freshman, shares her appreciation of the efforts CSUEB has put its students this year.
This semester started in a very different circumstance than CSUEB students are used to, and many teachers and students are finding it hard to adjust to the new way of learning. From Zoom lectures to full courses spread out over Blackboard, it can be hard for students to modify the way they’re learning and for teachers to alter their courses to be fully accessible online.
Francella Valera, another pre-nursing freshman, was looking forward to being on campus and joining new clubs this fall. Now, she deals with sharing an unreliable internet connection with her two sisters as they all try to access their classes.
Please watch the attached video to see what a few other freshmen had to say about the transition into online learning for their first year of college.