Parking on service roads may cause problems

Students are leaving their cars out in front of the service road in between Residence Halls Diablo, Calaveras, and Shasta at Cal State East Bay for extended periods of time.

This road is located after a right turn when leaving lot C. Whether it be to drop off or pick someone or something up, these actions can create traffic for vehicles that are instead designated to drive on that road, like the Campus Shuttle. In fact, both the University Police and Parking services receive complaints from shuttle drivers regarding this issue.

The University Police Department and Parking services are very aware of this issue. The director of Parking and Transportation Services, Derrick Lobo explains this is an ongoing issue for the last “three to five years,” Lobo said.

Elder said they try to use “discretion” and explained that he wants to educate students before giving them monetary penalties, as it costs $90 to $150 for parking in a fire lane.

According to Elder, he talks to between eight and 10 people who leave their cars out per week, and cites one to two of them. There aren’t very many repeat offenders, according to Elder.

A sign marks the road for maintenance vehicles only; however, students are allowed to temporarily park there when they move in and out of the dorms, according to Elder and Lobo. The UPD and Parking Services work with Housing to create one side of the street for moving in and out, and the other for cars to get through.

Elder explained that students don’t usually call to complain; however, he does get calls from shuttle drivers that occasionally get stuck in the traffic. He explains that he goes out to find these offenders and try to get them to move.

Elder says that the University Police Department works with the Housing Department to allow students to park to get things in and out of the apartments during the September move-in period and the June move-out times. Outside of designated student moving times, “It really depends on the situation…. One time, there were some Greek members with large signs in their car, and I allowed them to park on the side for a minute,” Elder said

Elder explained that the short term solution for this issue is education, by reminding violators that the road is not only a service road, but it is also a fire lane, then monetary penalties like citations.

Long-term goals include installing gates or possibly barriers.

Elder says there is currently one space for temporary parking in front of Lassen Hall, and he suggests that more could be created, as another long term possibility. Lobo says that the Parking Services plan to install signs before the fall quarter that signify for no parking and to emphasize the fire lane.

“When I was a student, I actually lived in Calaveras…It was a lot worse in the past…[this issue] has gotten a lot better,” Elder said.