UPD initiates active shooter procedure

According to University Police Department Chief of Police Sheryl Boykins there is no active shooter policy in effect at Cal State East Bay. However, campus police have begun evacuation training of its faculty and staff in the event of a campus shooting similar to the ones that have occurred recently on college campuses across the country.
History professor, Dr. Samantha Francois said she has yet to receive any kind of training and is unsure about university policy in an active shooter situation.
“I would go to the door and lock it…and ask students to help put chairs and tables in front of it,” Francois explained.
Chief Boykins said that there are too many factors to consider in the midst of an active shooter situation.
“If the decision is to shelter in place, can the doors be secured and barricaded? Are there windows? What floor are they on and how close is the shooter?” Boykins said. “Just too many variables that can become a factor but it could be a wise decision.”
Now with more students on campus for another academic year, Boykins is collaborating with different departments on campus, by contacting them and conducting evacuation training workshops to improve readiness.
“What we’re doing is critiquing how they evacuate, how you account for your people and what do you do afterwards,” said Boykins, who explained that her primary goal is to review and improve upon existing strategies.
So far, UPD has worked with the Health Services department, the library, Pioneer Heights and the Student Administration building. Boykins explained that she sets up workshops for UPD to evaluate and improve building emergency escape plans. While it will take time for UPD to completely train all of CSUEB’s staff and student body in the event of a shooting, Boykins has “tactics” ready to be issued.
The first thing UPD would do after confirming a shooter threat would be to call for reinforcement from other police agencies.
According to Boykins, UPD holds a mutual aid agreement with the Hayward Police Department, Alameda County Sheriff’s Department and California Highway Patrol, which provide the resources and manpower needed to handle such dangerous situations.
University Police would proceed to lock down Harder Road and West Loop Road, effectively cutting off escape routes and limiting foot traffic. Then they would proceed to search campus to apprehend the suspected assailant and end the situation.
“You can’t, you shouldn’t depend on law enforcement to be right there when this event happens,” stated Boykins, who believes you need to be more actively involved in your own safety until law enforcement arrives to protect you. “The most important thing is to make sure that yourself or someone else calls it in.”
A new mobile application called The Rave Guardian, whose primary feature is to help with bystander intervention, allows students to text law enforcement officers and get help without calling it in.