Levi’s Stadium prepares to open in August
As Levi’s Stadium prepares to open in Santa Clara in August preparations are being made to deal with anticipated traffic and transportation issues to the new San Francisco 49ers stadium.
Increased traffic due to the influx of fans who will be attending 49er games and other sporting events will guide the adaptations being made by organizations like the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority.
“Game by game, event by event we will be modifying our plans to address the real demands and travel flow we see from passengers,” said James Unites, Deputy Director of the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority Transit Operations.
Unites reassured the Santa Clara City Council that VTA is working to decrease wait time and additional buses and personnel will be deployed in the case of high loads on certain routes.
“Whatever we do for game one, is not necessarily what we will do game two,” Unites said.
The area around the new stadium is already a public transportation hub. However, due to the increased traffic the city of Santa Clara will build a new VTA eastbound platform at Great America Parkway for stadium event service, including event only pedestrian walkways across the light rail tracks at Tasman Drive. Buses that have routes leading to the stadium will increase their frequency on game days. After the game autos will be shuttled onto two closed off lanes on Tasman Drive.
Other transit services that will change to help maintain fan traffic on game days include Caltrain, which will provide hourly weekend service plus two extra trains connecting to the VTA light rail in Mountain View. Capitol Corridor will provide regular services with schedule revisions; ACE will provide a special game day train. There will be extra bus services with Express from the Fremont BART station.
VTA plans to keep their current rates for now while they work to collaborate with other transit agencies on “joint” passes that will bundle transportation costs when traveling to the stadium. Additionally they are working to select a vendor who will develop an app that fans can use to pay for their transportation and to get VTA information on their smartphone.
“VTA is doing all we can to make public transportation the optimal choice for people traveling to and from the Stadium on event days,” said Colleen Valles, spokesperson for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. “VTA offers easy-to-use, efficient, front-door service to the stadium, and we encourage event-goers to take transit and save themselves the headache of sitting in traffic or dealing with parking.”
VTA plans to release this information along with new routes within the coming months through their website, which Santa Clara officials anticipate will help fans hoping to make it to the stadium.
“The more that we roll this out and get people aware, the more people will think about mass transportation as a great way to come to events at Levi’s Stadium,” said Santa Clara Mayor Jamie Matthews.