Clinton, Cruz triumph in Iowa

Media outlets touted Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio as they each emerged victorious from Iowa’s contest on Monday.

According to results from the Los Angeles Times, Cruz came in first with a commanding 27.6 percent of the vote, Trump came in second with 24.3 percent and Marco Rubio came in third with 23.1 percent.

Rubio is frequently ranked far behind Trump and Cruz in national polls that lead up to the caucus, so third place within one percentage point behind Trump is a respectable finish.

“For months they told us we had no chance,” Rubio said in a speech after the results were announced. “We are not waiting any longer to take our country back.”

The Democratic race came down to the wire, with Hillary Clinton pulling through with 49.9 percent, beating Bernie Sanders by just 4 delegates.

During the caucus, Clintons campaign was accused of voter fraud after a video was posted on CSPAN with the headline, “Clinton Voter Fraud in Polk County, Iowa Caucus,” according to the Inquisitr. Sander’s supporters demanded a revote, but Polk County Democratic Party Chairman Tom Henderson dismissed the allegations and insisted that both Clinton and Sanders’ camp had no problems with the results.

After the results were announced, democrat, Martin O’Malley,and republican, Mike Huckabee, suspended their campaigns. O’Malley received 0.6 percent of delegates and Huckabee received 1.8 percent of the vote according to the LA Times. As of Feb. 3, Rand Paul has dropped out of the campaign.

New Hampshire’s primary on Feb. 9 is shaping up to be a more straightforward affair. Trump’s hold on first place is by more than 20 percent, according to the latest RealClearPolitics polls. Sanders also holds a strong 18 percent lead over Clinton.

The real challenge will begin once the primaries head South. Trump has strong leads in North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. Sanders will face a stronger challenge from Clinton in the South as well, where the demographic makeup is much more diverse than Iowa and New Hampshire. Sanders’s core demographic is young, white Americans and has yet to gain traction with African Americans or other minorities who by far have polled in favor of Clinton.