Updates from San Leandro city hall

105th Cherry Festival 

Roughly 10,000 people attend the annual festival, which will be on Saturday, May 31, at 384 Estudillo Ave. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and includes food, beer, and live entertainment.

“I promise this will not only be an exciting Cherry Festival, but also a memorable one,” said Carolyn Knudtson, Recreation and Human Services Director.

Assistant to the city manager Eric Engelbart updated board members on festival marketing, details of the event on the city’s website, as well as a parade. The vendors sell food that focuses on cherries. The city is still looking for more sponsors to donate for the event.

“I just wanted to say I lived in San Leandro all my life – this is a great city to have a business,” said Ricky Ricardo and wife, owners of Ricky’s Sports Theatre and Grill. “This is a wonderful place.”

Mosquito abatement project

Vice Mayor Jim Prola attended the Alameda county mosquito abatement district meeting on Feb. 12. The city council discussed how Alameda County has been working on treating stagnant water to reduce the population of mosquitos.

“We have finished 58 percent of the fiscal year on our mosquito abatement board, but only spent 36 percent of our [annual] revenue, so we’re in great shape,” said Prola.

There were very few mosquito bite reports due to the winter weather, the council reported.  Two more mosquito control technicians will be added to city staff, said Prola.