Letter to the Editor

Your editorial by Daniel O’Neil was spot on. So good to see a ‘tell it as it is’ from a college publication. It will never be repeated in whole or substance in any mainstream media. Fear and accompanying self-censorship have accelerated the downward spiral of such publications. Only such as collegiate publications and some local publications remain bold enough to go against the oligarchy.

Use of H-1B to suppress wages and salaries has been a standard of behavior for as long as that program has been in place at the behest of silicon gulch pohbahs. Once those powers that be set the standard others followed with alacrity. That is the proximate cause of eroding the middle class of today.
This process is discouraging STEM educations and graduates to the destruction of our society. This process has relegated our nation to 3rd world status. A feudal system is now in place and will reinforce through the actions of a purchased disruptive minority in Congress.

Thank you

Robert B. Wister
26526 Hickory Ave.
Haywierd, CA 94544-3112